Sunday, April 19, 2015

Reflection Week 13

This week we talked about informative and formative assessments. After reading my peers blogs, the jest is that educators need to create an assessment that is motivating to students. Mia mentioned how she uses a UBD when creating her units for the classroom. This helps create assessments that will motivate students and check their understanding of the topic. In her unit and in Thomas's they are both using MinecraftEdu. From personal experience, I have seen students be motivated like there was no tomorrow. A colleague of mine that completed Givercraft saw a different moral in his students when they were not allowed to be in MinecraftEdu during the school day. Parents were letting students stay in school instead of picking them up with other siblings for appointments because of the MinecraftEdu project. We found a program that motivates students and they want to succeed.

Throughout the activity in my colleagues class, he always had the rubric and expectations sitting in front of the students to refer back to. Students were able to set goals and motivate themselves. Educators also received "best work" from students and were able to assess their understanding of the content being taught. Ali mentions how it's important to give feedback, but also to provide grades to show what areas students need specific support in. I think portfolio's and a collection of the students work is a better way to assess the standards, but from the comments this week, it's important to think about college entrance exams and middle school advancements. Without grades we can't put the student in the correct class. I think grades need to provide evidence of student understanding and areas they need support on. Portfolio's and informative assessments can be what makes the student motivated and to show their best work. Something they will be proud in sharing and setting goals to achieve. These are the kinds of assessments we want to create in our classroom.

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