Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Comic - Differentiation with Minecraft

Comic about Differentiation with Minecraft

This is my very first comic. I have to say, I enjoyed creating this blog from my findings this week, instead of writing a blog. I hope you enjoy it.


  1. Amanda, I really enjoyed your comic strip, it was an interesting way to create your blog this week. I found similar resources about how Minecraft can be used to teach different subjects. I just couldn't click on the link for the math video, I would like to check that out.

  2. Hi Meagan,

    With Pixton, the URL's wouldn't light up or be able to click on it.

    Here's the link for the video: http://theeducationscientist.blogspot.com/2013/08/teaching-math-with-minecraft-impromptu.html#.VL84AC5dWI0

    I really liked how they did multiplication....

  3. I too am thankful for the resource. I was needing specific examples of how to use Minecraft with math!

  4. Hi Amanda -
    The comic was great! I would have loved to see some explanation of your initial response as well :-)...


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. For being your first comic you did an excellent job! I like how you related to all the subjects. Nice work!

  7. That was a wonderful way to incorporate our week 2 essential question into a comic. Brilliant! I should have thought of it. Making the comic this week was fun! Minecraft just says math all over it, doesn't it? :)
